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英國東北港人會館 「英格蘭東北地區BNO移英港人社區支援計劃 」 第二期正式啟動

Writer's picture: NEHKNEHK

英國東北港人會館今日非常高興宣佈,成功獲得North East Migration Partnership( 英國英格蘭東北地區移民合作夥伴組織 ) 第二期撥款,繼續與不同專業人士,社區組織,公營機構,地方政府及政府部門共同展開「英格蘭東北地區BNO移英港人社區支援計劃 Project H.K.」。

英國東北港人會館(NEHK)根據英國英格蘭東北地區移民合作夥伴組織(North East Migration Partnership)訂立的八項優先事項,為現時居住於英格蘭東北部的BN(O)簽證持有人及其家屬提供服務。


1. 確保居住於英格蘭東北部的移英港人可無障礙地使用社區服務(包括住屋諮詢和NHS醫療服務),以及向港人講解其個人權利和權益。

2. 確保有合適的翻譯和傳譯服務可供移英港人使用,讓他們在居住地區無障礙地使用所需服務。

3. 提升各組織為移英港人提供合適支援的能力(包括在社區內提供支援和培訓)。

4. 提升各組織提供地區性服務建議的能力。

5. 增加廣東話心理健康服務的計劃數目。

6. 為求職者提供適切支援服務,包括協助尋找合適職位空缺、專業資歷互認和創業諮詢支援。

7. 為移英港人提供不同類型的英語學習課程。

8. 提高社區對舉報仇恨犯罪的意識和參與度。


a) 社區諮詢及轉介服務


b) 舉辦稅務工作坊

NEHK將舉辦稅務工作坊,邀請英國特許會計師或特許稅務顧問向移英港人講解稅務相關資訊,包括個人稅、企業稅、法定居民測試和拆分年度稅務處理方法(split-year treatment)。

c) 舉辦私人住宅工作坊


d) 提供NHS服務簡介


e) 舉辦社區安全講座


f) 就業講座

NEHKC目前正與Education Development Trust和JET合作,向剛到步的BN(O)港人提供就業講座和其他就業支援。講座將著重講解英國和英格蘭東北部地區就業市場現況、空缺職位類別和職場文化。

g) 兒童音樂治療輔導服務

NEHK將與HCPC音樂治療師合作,提供兒童音樂治療輔導服務。BN(O)持有人及其子女可與HCPC音樂治療師以廣東話溝通,並為你整合一份英文版報告,以便學校或其他專業人士跟進你的情況。此項服務每月有2個免費名額, 先到先得。

h) 協助報讀BN(O)英語學習課程


i) 傳譯服務


j) 文化交流活動


k) 義工服務


NEHK “Project H.K. ” - Now In Phase 2

North East Hongkongers Club (NEHK) is pleased to announce today that we have successfully received funding from the North East Migration Partnership, to continue our “Project H.K. ”, into phase 2, with different professionals, community organisations, public bodies, local councils, and government departments. In line with the eight priorities of the North East Migration Partnership, NEHK will provide support and services to BN(O) visa holders and their dependents living in North East England.

The Eight Priorities

1. To ensure support for accessing services throughout the region, including housing advice, and NHS services, and to provide people from Hong Kong with information on their rights and entitlements;

2. To ensure that translation and interpretation are available to support people from Hong Kong to navigate and access services in their local area;

3. To build capacity for organisations that support people from Hong Kong (including the creation of resources or training within the community);

4. To build capacity for organisations that can provide local-based advice;

5. To increase the capacity of mental health services available in Cantonese;

6. To provide support for those seeking employment, including finding a job, translation of professional qualifications, and setting up businesses;

7. To provide informal and formal English language learning to support people from Hong Kong;

8. To ensure community awareness and engagement around Hate Crime reporting and support.

To achieve these goals, our team provides the following support for BN(O) visa holders living in the North East England:

a) Signpost and refer to other relevant NGOs, MPs, and government departments

NEHK provides BN(O) status holders with information and contacts that may help them get started so that they can reach out to agencies themselves. This may include signposting to local councils, government departments, schools, and universities.

b) Provide tax workshops

NEHK will provide tax workshops, which will be delivered by a chartered accountant or charted tax advisor. The session will include individual tax, business tax, residence statutory test, and split-year treatment.

c) Provide private housing workshops

NEHK will provide private housing workshops, which will be delivered by solicitors. The sessions will include information on tenancies and tenants’ rights, conveyancing procedures, and other related matters.

d) Provide introductions to NHS services

NEHK will provide an introduction session to NHS services for new arrivals. The sessions will include information on GP registration, dentist registration, and NHS app functions.

e) Provide workshops on community safety

NEHK will provide community safety workshops for new arrivals which will be delivered by the local police forces. The sessions will include information on hate crime reporting and local areas.

f)Employment workshops

NEHK currently works with the Education Development Trust and JET to deliver employment workshops and other employment support to new arrivals. The session includes information on the UK and North East job market, job vacancy categories, and workplace cultures.

g) Music Therapy for Children

NEHK will cooperate with HCPC registered Music Therapist. Cantonese-speaking professionals will meet BN(O) family’s, children, or young people and prepare an English case report for follow-up with school teachers or other professionals. This will be provided for up to two individuals per month.

h) BN(O) English classes support and coordination

NEHK will signpost new arrivals to ESOL classes and informal English classes throughout the region.

i) Interpretation for new arrivals

NEHK will provide interpretation services and peer support for new arrivals in the region.

j) Cultural networking events

NEHK will hold at least one cultural event.

k) Voluntary Services

NEHK will organize different voluntary services to encourage new arrivals Hongkongers to contribute to the U.K.



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