Seminar on Settlement and Citizenship in the UK
在3月29日,我們NEHK將會聯同Hong Kong Professionals Community香港專業人士CIC舉辦「英國定居及入籍」現場講座。講座內容包括英國永居與入籍的申請條件,流程及準備工作等。講者是英國及香港執業律師兼香港專業人士CIC主席Henry Wong。活動詳情如下:
時間:2pm – 3:30pm
地點:Trinity Church, High Street, Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 4AG
On 29th March, we will jointly host a seminar on settlement and citizenship in the UK with Henry Wong of Hong Kong Professionals Community CIC . Henry is a practicing solicitor in Hong Kong, England and Wales. He will share everything he knows from eligibility, process and requirements for ILR and citizenship to common application pitfalls. The details are as follows:
Date: 29th March 2025
Time: 2pm – 3:30pm
Location: Trinity Church, High Street, Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 4AG
Language: Hong Kong Cantonese
Target: BNO Hongkongers
Quota: 50
Fee: Free of Charge