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   2023 Employment Workshop
                  Nov 27

Have you attended a National Careers Service workshop or had a one-to-one guidance session with one of our Careers Advisers in the last calendar year?

Thanks for submitting!

Employment Workshop 2023 March.png

   2023 Employment Workshop

Have you attended a National Careers Service workshop or had a one-to-one guidance session with one of our Careers Advisers in the last calendar year?

Thanks for submitting!

Migrant Help Employment Workshop 2022.png

Migrant Help就業及創業支援服務簡介會

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We work closely with Education Development Trust to deliver the National Careers Service.


Education Development Trust delivers the National Careers Service as a prime contractor in the north-east, Cumbria, Yorkshire, and the Humber and as a key subcontractor in the south east and south west of England. They provide world-class careers advice and guidance to more than 100,000 adults annually in a range of community settings.

If you would like to get careers advice, please fill in the below registration form. Once we have 15 or more participants to signup, we will confirm you the date of the workshop.

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